
Darker than black samehadaku
Darker than black samehadaku

darker than black samehadaku darker than black samehadaku darker than black samehadaku

But all of these flaws that I’m talking about are made up for in the second half in the best way possible. And another big downfall of the first half’s format is that it often leaves the development of certain characters somewhere in the middle. In the beginning, this approach may seem a little risky because you’re not too sure if the end will be any more rewarding than the individual episodes. While the first half is more of an episodic format that helps with the world-building, the second half is where characters are built and dots are connected. ‘Darker Than Black’ adopts both of these formats in a very unique way. If one fails to execute this correctly, then the show is destined to be doomed. Compared to this, a continuous story has to be well calculated and every single detail should have at least some relationship with the overarching plot. The good thing about an episodic format is that it does not matter how good the entire show is as long as most of the episodes have a decent story, the entire series can be considered pretty good. In general, there are two ways of telling a story: one can either go for an episodic format, something like ‘ Love Death & Robots‘, where each episode has its own story and a viewer can jump in whenever he/she wants to or it could have a more continuous format where every single thing, right from the scratch, builds up to an overarching story.

Darker than black samehadaku